PaR - Processes as RequirementsThe Book vs. The Booklet

The Book vs. The Booklet


Why did I create both The Book and The Booklet?
The book should explain it all, so why do we need the booklet in addition? On the other hand, if it doesn't fit into a small booklet and we have to read a full book to get the point, then isn't it too complicate? But is a small booklet sufficient to really fully understand and be able to implement a systematic holistic methodical framework? But is a thick and expensive book ideal for spreading the idea in the company? Isn't it like always? When you ask enough questions and then thoroughly understand the problem, the solution is already there.

The Booklet is designed to be read in about 2 hours, and many readers confirmed this duration. It is just 20 pages at all. Not counting the front and back covers with their empty inner pages, the imprint page, the table of contents and the PaRdon commercial page, then it is just 13 pages netto. 2 hours for reading 13 pages netto is already a lot. Every reader confirmed that it is fine to get the core idea, but by far not sufficient to really understand what that means. The booklet also shows the PaRis diagram on three different levels of abstraction (the overview diagram even three times) so that every reader can take a picture with them as a reminder. The booklet is a good guide to making the take-it-or-leave-it-decision. It is also suitable as hand-out for trainings, in additions to presentations.

The Book is designed to answer all questions, explain all details and give a lot of background informations. It has as much pages and thereby as much room as needed to do so. It shall also be a guide for many years while establishing the methodical framework in the company. But not every employee, colleague and team member needs to read the book and understand the mind behind. Instead, the booklet and some training sessions with presentations should be fine for them.

The Booklet consists of the one-pager upfront, 2 pages for the challenges and the derived needs and 4 pages for the PaRis and the explanation of this solution. The following 6 pages are for tooling, KPI, organization, attitude and teasers for more aspects.

The Book also has the one-pager upfront and finally starts the 1st part (introduced by a photo of a library) with a PaRamount introduction. Then it takes 8 pages from challenge identification via need elicitation to requirements analysis. While the booklet then directly shows the PaRis as solution, the book starts explaining the solution from a whiteboard drawing that details the one of the introduction. 8 pages take us to the final PaRis diagrams, still leaving open some requirements for the rest of the book. Then we take a deep dive into the PaRis with UML and SysML.
The 2nd part of the book (introduced by a photo of skyscraper platforms) starts on page 49 and is for the "PaRty Time", going into principles, requirements design, the art of process design, process models, as well as finally platforms for product or/and process families.
The 3rd part of the book (introduced by a photo of a revolutionary cathedral) starts on page 93 and discusses the PaR revolution regarding attitude, team self-organization and establishing PaR in the company as a cultural change. I also frankly show the potential dark side of PaR.
The 4th part of the book (introduced by a photo of an Egyptian ancient tool box) describes the required features of the tools, measuring the projects, and scenarios and use cases.
The 5th and last part of the book (introduced by a photo of and end of New Zealand) is "just" the Index, but I want it to be a real help to find (or re-find) anything. I maintain this index manually, which is quite a hassle, but I hope this will make it really useful and a real index of PaR. And the final two pages give additional information around PaR.

The Booklet is available as PDF download for free (also in German translation), and also as print from Amazon and your local bookstore (only in English).

The Book is available as print from Amazon, your local bookstore, or directly from me. There is also a personalized PDF that can be requested for download. In addition a teaser as PDF is available for download, showing some key pages.

See the web pages >Downloadable< and >Purchasable< also.
And also check the web page >FAQ< for questions and answers.